Bad Elster
Bad Elster thermal brine
Bad Elster thermal brine
The Bad Elster thermal brine is a raw material from nature - original, natural, pure, valuable, and its composition is unique in Germany and worldwide.
The thermal brine is a mixture of millions of years old (1,5 million years and older) and ice age water (27–37 thousand years old), which has never been discovered or scientifically analyzed in this form before.

About the thermal brine
The Bad Elster Soletherme is fed by its own brine spring, which was drilled in 2009 in the Elster Valley. It is the legacy of a self-contained primeval sea that has been hidden and protected deep in the womb of the earth for millions of years. What was discovered at a depth of 1.200 m turns out to be a true treasure from the Elster Valley - the source of the Bad Elster thermal brine.
The brine spring contains highly mineralized thermal water that is exceptional in its composition and concentration. Because of the very high sodium sulfate content, the Bad Elster thermal brine is called the Glauber's salt spring.
Another ingredient is table salt (sodium chloride). It also contains many elements that occur naturally on earth, such as calcium and magnesium, hydrogen carbonate, silicates, metals, rare earths and many trace elements. Nature has given many of these elements and compounds great importance for the structure and functions in the body, for example for the acid-base balance, digestion, the structure and excitability of nerves and muscles and much more.
The highly saturated thermal brine is pumped in Bad Elster with a brine content of 22% and a temperature of 42°C.
Power floats in the brine
Balance and resilience
Physical well-being is an expression of an inner balance that every person longs for. Once the balance is disturbed, this can have health consequences (e.g. high blood pressure, etc.). Relaxed floating in Bad Elsteran thermal brine programs our vegetative nervous system for balance and harmony.
This increasingly activates the body's natural regulatory mechanisms and strengthens our resistance, the so-called resilience. Similar to pressing the reset button: everything is set to NEW. A stay in the brine feels like a vacation for anyone seeking peace and quiet.
Strengthened for everyday life
Our immune system is constantly vigilant to keep our body healthy. It reacts to the diverse stimuli from our environment. In today's world, it's easy to become overstimulated. When you stay in brine water, different stimuli such as buoyancy, water pressure and temperature take effect at the same time. This allows an overstimulated immune system to gently settle back into a normal, tolerable range. You feel strengthened and prepared for the challenges of everyday life.

Happiness floats in the brine
Light as if on a cloud
During a stay at the Soletherme Bad Elster you can experience a completely new body feeling and float detached and weightless. The human body is “lighter” than the surrounding brine, so it is propelled upwards – without any effort. You feel light, like you are being carried on a cloud.
Relax weightlessly
“In this floating state, the muscles relax as if by themselves and the joints are optimally relieved. Relaxed muscles automatically receive better blood flow, the metabolism can function better, and muscles and joints can increasingly regenerate. A newfound lightness in the movements creates a wonderful feeling of happiness,” says Prof. Dr. med. Resh.
Relief for the body
The wonderfully relaxing horizontal position on the water makes it easier for the heart to pump and relieves the strain on the cardiovascular system. The pleasantly warm water temperatures (32-36°C) also stimulate the body's metabolism and blood circulation. You feel like you have been reborn.
Beauty floats in the brine
Detoxifying for the body
The water in the Bad Elster brine thermal baths (6–15%) has a higher water pressure than drinking water. The higher pressure acts like a drainage on the muscles and connective tissue. Accumulated metabolic products are increasingly removed, which is often understood as detoxification. The high brine content makes the skin feel pleasantly smooth and soft.
Skin care – natural fountain of youth
“Bathing in brine promotes the skin’s natural pH value; its valuable minerals mean that it can store more moisture. The skin's natural protective layer is retained and it does not dry out. A stay in brine is balm and care for the skin and is therefore also referred to as a natural fountain of youth,” says Prof. Dr. med. Resh.

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Floating – very easy
Train your body awareness, feel the buoyancy of the brine and find inner peace.

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Opening times and tariffs
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