Bad Brambach
treatment of sinusitis
Interesting facts at a glance
Treatment Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis is a continuous inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and adjacent cavities in the facial bones. Chronic sinusitis often develops from acute sinusitis that manifests itself over several weeks. Anatomical constrictions also often play a role in the development of chronic sinusitis. If you want to avoid medication as much as possible or reduce the amount you take, the radon rinse at our Saxon State Baths is a good option. Radon inhalation can also be used during a spa treatment. Radon therapy can help with the symptoms of chronic sinusitis.
What is Chronic Sinusitis?
In the case of chronic, i.e. long-term sinusitis, the cavities in the facial bones that directly surround the nose are primarily affected - primarily the maxillary sinus and the ethmoid cells, more rarely also the frontal and sphenoid sinuses. The sinuses, like the inside of the nose, are covered by mucous membranes that become permanently inflamed and swollen in chronic sinusitis. This permanent inflammation often develops from acute sinusitis caused by a cold.
Acute sinusitis usually goes away on its own after about two weeks. However, if it lasts longer than 2 months or if the symptoms return four times a year or more frequently, then it is referred to as chronic sinusitis. The symptoms are similar to those of an acute sinus infection, but are permanent. From headaches to facial pain to purulent nasal secretions and coughing, the symptoms can vary in severity.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis
Symptoms appear in various forms. Headaches and facial pain as well as a constantly blocked nose and purulent nasal secretions are common. Cough can also be an accompanying symptom of sinusitis, both acute and chronic. General well-being is affected in a similar way to a cold. However, there are also people for whom chronic sinusitis is only very mild and who hardly complain of any symptoms, but even in this case they occur permanently. A possible symptom or accompanying symptom of sinusitis is a disturbed sense of smell due to a permanently blocked nose and sinuses.
Anyone who suffers from chronic sinusitis makes it easy for new infections to occur because the mucous membranes and immune system are already under strain. Postnasal drip syndrome and hyperreactivity are secondary complaints if the sinuses are permanently inflamed. In postnasal drip syndrome, nasal secretions run into the throat. With hyperreactivity, those affected tend to react particularly sensitively to fine dust, pollen, cold air or perfume and the like.
Causes of chronic sinusitis
The common cause is delayed acute sinusitis, which manifests itself chronically. Anatomical constrictions in the nose or sinuses can also be the reason for chronic sinusitis. These can be a deviated nasal septum, a large nasal concha or benign mucosal growths that prevent nasal secretions from draining properly.
This then leads to inflammatory processes because pathogens remain in the sinuses for a longer period of time. Fungal infection can also cause chronic sinusitis. Viruses, on the other hand, are rarely involved in sinus infections.
People who suffer from allergies and/or asthma are particularly susceptible. In this group of people, acute sinusitis tends to heal more slowly and manifest itself permanently. Nasal congestion often leads to benign mucosal overgrowth and inflammatory polyps.

Sinusitis therapy with the natural remedy radon

If chronic sinusitis is diagnosed by a doctor, there are various treatment options. These depend on the individual complaint, the specific causes as well as the severity and severity of the sinusitis.
A gentle method to alleviate the symptoms is to rinse with water containing radon as part of a bath therapy in the Saxon State Baths in Bad Brambach. The positive effects of such a therapy, which is always supervised by doctors, last for several months and noticeably improve the quality of life of those affected.
Antibiotics are used to deal with bacterial infections, but this is associated with a number of side effects, which is why it is advisable to first use gentle relief methods that have no or reduced side effects, if possible.
It is widely known that radon therapy provides relief and relieves pain, especially in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as spondylosis, arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. But the natural remedy radon also helps to reduce symptoms and complaints in chronic sinusitis and other respiratory diseases.
There has been experience with radon therapies for over 100 years. A specific effectiveness in relieving symptoms of, among other things, chronic sinusitis has emerged here. If such a drinking and bathing treatment is carried out regularly every one to three years, the quality of life of those affected will be permanently improved. The effectiveness has been scientifically proven in various double-blind studies worldwide.
With the Wettin spring, Bad Brambach has the strongest radon source in the world. Water containing radon is used in full baths or for drinking treatments. The dose is tailored individually to you and your symptoms by our spa doctors.
The last option, if the aforementioned measures are not successful in the long term or the sinusitis is related to deformations or mucous membrane overgrowth, is surgery. Surgery, especially on the facial area, should always be the last possible option as the risks are comparatively high.

Relieve pain with radon
In cooperation with experienced scientists, the latest findings are evaluated and implemented in the use of the natural remedy radon. The enormous effectiveness of radon therapy has already been researched in recognized double-blind studies.

Radon – The natural remedy helps!
Your radon treatment is complemented by your chosen therapy focus IMMUNE, RELAXED or MOBILE.
How does radon work for chronic sinusitis?
The effects of radon include that it stimulates the body's own cell repair at the molecular level, reduces the activity of inflammatory cells and the emission of pain messengers. Inflammation and the associated swelling of the mucous membranes decrease and make it easier for those affected to breathe. Overall, this natural, gentle remedy leads to an improved feeling of well-being. Because the metabolism is also automatically stimulated.
Our various healing springs, including the Wettin Spring, contain additional ingredients. The trace element iron increases oxygen transport by supporting the development of red blood cells, which are also indispensable for the entire energy metabolism and the immune system. Hydrogen carbonate has been proven to be essential for inhibiting inflammatory processes. In chronic sinusitis, this mineral helps to reduce the swelling of the inflamed nasal mucous membranes.
The effect lasts up to 9 months after radon therapy has been completed - a big plus in terms of quality of life, as the use of many medications can also be reduced.
Diagnosis: chronic sinusitis
Only your treating doctor can make a diagnosis. If symptoms persist, consult your family doctor first, who will then refer you to an ENT doctor. The ENT doctor will first ask about your symptoms and any accompanying symptoms. He will also pat you to locate the source of the pain. Additionally, the ear, nose and throat specialist will perform a rhinoscopy to determine where the sinusitis is located. On this basis he can draw up the optimal treatment plan.
A rhinoscopy, also known as a nose endoscopy, is carried out in two steps. A nasal speculum is used to widen the nasal entrance slightly so that the doctor can examine the front part of the nose using a light source.
On average, nasal passages are about 7,5 cm long; the posterior sections are not accessible with a speculum. A nasal endoscope, also known as a rhinoscope, allows these inner nasal sections to be examined. This gives the doctor a detailed picture of the nasal mucosa, the nasal septum and the nasal concha. Pathological changes in the nasal secretion as well as deformities and inflammatory or tumorous changes as well as possible polyps can also be identified.

Risk factors of chronic sinusitis
There are several risk factors for chronic sinusitis, none of which, either individually or in combination, necessarily lead to such a permanent sinus infection. A fairly common cause is delayed acute sinusitis, which manifests itself chronically. Such permanent inflammation is facilitated by a deviated nasal septum, as nasal secretions and thus the bacteria cannot drain away well. Allergies and polyps as well as tumors in the nose or sinuses are also among the risk factors that can block the drainage of nasal secretions.
Other risk factors that are environmentally related include, for example, swimming in water that is polluted and has a high bacterial load, but also frequent contact with small children and thus cold pathogens. Smokers, even passive smokers, have an increased risk of chronic sinusitis because smoking thickens the nasal tissue and thus slows the flow of secretions - therefore an optimal breeding ground for bacterial growth.

Questions about chronic sinusitis
Who covers the treatment costs for chronic sinusitis?
Your health insurance company will cover the costs of all necessary and appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Depending on the health insurance company and the need for certain services, there may be an out-of-pocket cost.
Can chronic sinusitis cause bronchitis?
If sinusitis persists for a long period of time, it is possible that bacteria or viruses that are involved in the sinus infection migrate to the lower respiratory tract. Bronchitis can therefore be a possible secondary complication of untreated or severe chronic sinusitis.
Can you do sports with chronic sinusitis?
If you have acute sinusitis, you should definitely avoid exercising, otherwise the person affected risks the acute sinusitis becoming chronic. In the case of chronic sinusitis, if it is a mild form, moderate exercise is recommended, as this improves blood circulation in the respiratory tract. However, make sure that you do not exercise during acute attacks. Otherwise, you shouldn't push yourself to the limit of your performance. To be on the safe side, get the okay from your doctor. A few sessions with a physiotherapist can also help you find the optimal sport for your symptoms. Do sports outdoors, and in winter and when the air is dry, make sure that your nose, e.g. B. is protected from excessively cold air by a scarf.
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Drinking & bathing therapies with radon
In addition to bath therapy, radon drinking therapy also impresses with effective results. All healing springs that can be found in Bad Brambach contain a variety of minerals and trace elements as well as carbon dioxide and radon.

Package offers in Bad Brambach
Whether as a daily package, short trip or health week, our natural remedies are already perfectly coordinated and put together for you. Use the strongest radon source in the world for your health and thus a better quality of life!

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